Our Lady of Fatima Church – Benton issued the following announcement Oct. 3.
The Music Ministry of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew is hosting their annual Spaghetti Serenade dinner on October 9, at 5:30pm; this is a major fundraising event for the Cathedral Choir. This year the theme is “A Night with the Rat Pack” and features music that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Members of the Cathedral Choir will sing songs made popular by Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Dean Martin, and others. Please consider attending this event and supporting the Cathedral Music Program. If you are interested in tickets, please email Beau Baldwin, Music Director at music@csalr.org or call (501) 374-2794 extension 228.
What: Spaghetti Serenade Dinner
When: October 9, at 5:30pm
Original source can be found here.
Source: Our Lady of Fatima Church – Benton